Who can do Science? (Spoiler: EVERYONE can)

There's a persistent misconception that science is something only "geniuses" can do. But the truth is, anyone can learn and do science – with the right tools and resources. In this post, we'll explore some of the ways you can help your child develop a love for science, and get them excited about exploring the natural world around them. 

Science is for everyone. No matter your age, race or religion, science is part of all of our lives. Everyone can engage with science and be part of it. Science is how the world around us works. It is how everything around us functions. The part that many people find difficult is the “why”; why does X result in Y? How does X make Y happen? THIS is what people mean by “science is difficult”.

However, this does not need to be the case. Explain to your child why these things happen so they understand how their world works. Ask them to suggest why something happens. This will help them develop their critical thinking skills.

We hope that this article has helped to show you that science is for everyone. All it takes is some basic skills, critical thinking, and support from parents. Once your child understands that science is about understanding the world around them, they can start making real contributions to society. And who knows? They may even discover the next big thing! So don't let your child think that science is not for them. Science is for everyone- we just need to give our children the opportunity to explore and learn. What have been your experiences with getting your kids interested in science?

This is what inspired us to make STEM@Home. We wanted to be able to give students REAL science, not psuedo-science. It is all well and good that students want to be able to play with “fun science” but many students also want to learn. They want to be able to improve their own understanding and grades through “play”. Our main focus is on pedagogy and attainment so we can improve the lives and aspirations of our users.

We hope this article has shown you that science is all around us, and that there are many ways for students to learn about it. No matter where you live or what your financial situation may be, there are opportunities for your child to engage with science in a meaningful way. Parents play a crucial role in helping their children understand the world around them, and we encourage you to take advantage of the resources available through STEM@Home. With just a little effort, you can help your child explore real science right from home! Have you tried using any of these methods to get your child interested in science?


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