Why you should allow children to come up with their own reasoning

It can be tempting for parents to want to help their children with everything. After all, we want them to succeed! However, when it comes to finding answers, it's important to let children find their own way. Why? Because this is how they'll learn to assess problems and come up with solutions on their own later in life.

How Children Learn Best

Children are capable of so much more than we give them credit for. When it comes to finding answers, capable students are usually engaged in a self-directed iterative approach. This means that they'll come up with a question, form a hypothesis, test their hypothesis, and then analyze the results to see if they were right or not. And then they'll repeat the process as necessary. Science class is the perfect place for children to develop this skill. Through science practicals, they can learn how to plan and execute their own experiments. This independent learning will serve them well later on in life.

The Importance of Self-Directed Learning

In a world where there is an abundance of information at our fingertips, being able to assess that information and come up with our own conclusions is more important than ever. If we're constantly spoon-fed answers, we'll never learn how to think for ourselves. So the next time your child comes to you with a question, resist the urge to give them the answer right away. Instead, encourage them to explore and experiment on their own. They just might be surprised at what they're capable of!

Children are capable of so much more than we give them credit for - especially when it comes to finding answers. By encouraging them to explore and experiment on their own, we're helping them develop skills that will serve them well later on in life. So the next time your child comes to you with a question, resist the urge to give them the answer right away. Instead, let them find their own way. They just might be surprised at what they're capable of!


Why you should allow children to be curious and find out answers themselves


Why you should let children ask questions rather than just answering them