Let children see science with their own eyes

It is a debate that has been ongoing for many years now. Do science practicals really help students learn and understand better? The answer, in short, is yes! Here are three reasons why science practicals are essential for child development.

1. Science Practicals Help Students Acquire Non-Propositional Science Knowledge

Science is not just a bunch of propositional knowledge, or facts, that students can memorize and regurgitate on demand. Sure, knowing basics like the parts of an atom or the types of forces is important. But if that's all your child knows about science, they're not really understanding it.

2. Science Practicals Help Students Develop Their Scientific Understanding

To really understand science, children need to be able to do more than just recite facts; they need to be able to think like scientists. And that's where science practicals come in. Despite accounting for a substantial portion of their exam questions, science practicals can really only be done in school or in laboratories, making science truly hard to revise at home. That is why we developed STEM@Home. Science learning should not be kept in one place, science learning should be accessible whenever and wherever you want. Your child can fully revise maths or english at home so why not science?

3. Science Practicals Help Students Develop Their Critical Thinking Skills

Science practicals help students move beyond memorization by giving them first-hand experience with scientific concepts. When students are able to see science with their own eyes, they can start to develop a deeper understanding of how the world works. Additionally, science practicals also help students develop critical thinking skills. In order to design and carry out an experiment, students must be able to think creatively and solve problems. These are skills that will serve them well both in school and in life. 

So the next time you are debating whether or not to allow your child to participate in a science practical, remember that there are many benefits that come with it. Science practicals help students acquire non-propositional science knowledge, develop their scientific understanding, and improve their critical thinking skills. So go ahead and let your child explore the world of science! Who knows, they might just discover something new.


How science practicals can make your child a better person in society


The importance of hands-on science learning